Keto and The Inhibitor Journey



I am still surviving under a strict Keto diet.  I am still shocked how much sugar and carbs are everywhere.  My Pantry is a carbohydrate vault and looking at simple things you would think do not have carbs in them do.  Greek Yogurt: Carbs, snap peas: carbs, some cheeses: carbs.  I've also been learning about:

Cruciferous Vegetables

Which seem to have some anti-cancer or cancer preventing properties   and some information showing its benefits with brain cancer. But apparently to get the full benefits you need to chop them so that it increases the surface area which allows air to activate an enzyme that produces sulforaphane, a compound that may help protect against cancer....I hate Broccoli but it seems to have the highest concentration of sulforaphane.  But the research is still not conclusive, seems like it depends on many factors...but yes Broccoli also has carbs but 3 NET not a terrible trade off. 

Processed Meats

This is something that REALLY bums me out, because like any red blooded 'Murican I love me my Bacon!  But....alas it looks processed meats are is one of the few proven foods to cause cancer.  
If you don't want to read that you can watch this (which is a bit less scientific but gets to the point)

I ate more than my fair share of Deli meat (which falls under the category of processed meats) sandwiches and it makes me wonder if that had anything to do with start of Kuato....the research is still pointing towards some sort of ionizing radiation as the catalyst.  Alexander has been having bacon regularly on his sandwiches and the smell is driving me crazy when he makes it....

Bacon is Keto, very Keto, but I think you are taking on other risks that need to be considered.


So I have been on the inhibitor for four days so far and no fatigue that I had anticipated or really any other side effects that I thought might come along which is great.  The only side effect is they burn your mouth and throat on the way down....I couldn't not think of this when I took them:

Also I need to time them with meals.  You are not supposed to have them with high fat meals.  What what does "high" fat mean?  Seems pretty subjective so I am trying to stay on the safe side and just wait 2 hours have dinner to take them.  Also not taking my fish oil at night to avoid the confusion about fat and the inhibitor.

Ever swallow $822 in one go?  I have every night for the past 4 nights....and it looks like that will be the plan for a while to come (fingers crossed).  Once the Inhibitor stops working we are back to SOC (Radiation and Chemo), I have been told it is not an IF it recurs but WHEN it will recur....I'll do what I can to push that date out as far as I can....not too much else I can do.
