Paxlovid, new tests and scan, and a new group


So my NO team got me on Paxlovid for my Covid and it seems it was pretty effective.  I have a slight lingering cough but I feel I am at 98% of pre-covid.  I am also working out and getting on the bike again 

There is something called Paxlovid Mouth.  And I can tell you from personal experience this is a real thing.  Not bad enough to not take Paxlovid, but enough to make you glad when you are done with the paxlovid course.

New Tests

Well...ok not really new tests but I am getting moved from every week to every other week.  Which is great to have that time back.  Also less "Scanxiety" (which I just learned that term this week) related to the tests.  As mentioned previously there is a low probability of heart arrhythmia.  The thing they are looking for is a lengthening of your QT in your EKG (which is the same thing / different name as echocardiogram).  Mine seems to be getting tighter over time rather than longer.  So if anything I am going away from a dangerous area.  Here is mine:

This is what the QT is:

New Group

It was really nice to have someone reach out to me about a new group for people just like me....well at least people that are going through the same thing that I am.  Normally when they have support groups they lump all brain tumors together.  IMHO this does not make sense.  People with the High Grade Brain Tumors (Glioblastomas) are in a totally different world then folks with low grades.  They have a VERY short time to live and inhibitors are not approved (to the best of my knowledge) for them.  Low grades will have a much longer time to live and they need to deal with a different set of stressors for a long time.  So I am glad they reached out and I am excited to connect with people that share my struggles.



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